I went on a roadtrip with my parents to a little town on the PNW coast a few days ago and although we didn't do much there - gazing onto the ocean on the beach, cycling on the beach in god-awful weather, just walking around - I really enjoyed it. During downtime I either drew or observed others, primarily my parents and their friends. I could talk about how drawing helped me be more creative, but this blog isn't about that and I don't think I reached that point just yet. Instead, I've noticed that my parents are really addicted to their screens. For a little bit I've thought "well they are busy people, maybe they do need it", but darn, I wish I was right. Every damn time they did something "instagrammable", they asked me to take a picture for them, against my will and everything. Okay, nothing wrong about that - then I overheard one of them say "if it's not on reels (?? I assume it's something Instagram related) it didn't happen". I am still so mad about this. Duh, obviously, if something happened it happened, it stays in one's memory for some time, it doesn't need to be present on Instagram, but whatever, not like anything can change their minds at this point.
It was a short trip, by our 3rd day we were already out and going home. Wish we stayed there for longer but what can you do. I stayed off my phone for almost an entire time. We came back and the first thought I've had was the cliche "I wish I lived alone in the woods". It's sad that that's the reality right now, that to escape the technological horrors we ourselves created we need to live off-grid by ourselves.